Funken Hot Jello Shot
For this funkalicious cocktail we have simple and fancy versions. Let your imagination run wild.
Serves 12 shots
Prep Time 20-30 minutes
Total Time 240 minutes
Simple Version
• 1 (3 ounce) package raspberry gelatin
• 2 Tablespoons Funken Hot
• 1 cup boiling water
• 1/2 cup cold water
• 1/2 cup vodka
Place gelatin powder and Funken Hot in a large mixing bowl
Add the boiling water carefully while stirring.
Continue stirring until the powder is dissolved.
Add the 1/2 cup of cold water and 1/2 cup of vodka.
Stir until mixed and pour into 2oz. cups or into a baking dish. Use the latter if you prefer to serve as cut-out free standing cubes.
Chill for 4 hours before serving. Add a dash of extra Funken Hot if you are feeling it!
Fancy Version: Margarita
• 2 packets (5 teaspoons) plain gelatin
• 2 Tablespoons Funken Hot
• 1/4 cup sugar
• 2/3 cup boiling water
• 1/4 cup chilled fresh lime juice
• 2/3 cup tequila
• 2 tablespoons triple sec
Empty gelatin packets into a large mixing bowl, add sugar and mix
Add the Funken hot
Add the boiling water carefully while stirring.
Continue stirring until the gelatin and sugar are dissolved.
Add the lime juice followed by the tequila and triple sec.
Stir until mixed and pour into 2oz. cups or into a baking dish. Use the latter if you prefer to serve as cut-out free standing cubes.
Chill for 4 hours before serving. Add a dash of extra Funken Hot and course salt if you are feeling it!